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Upcoming 60ml energy shot Liquid NO+, Italian based 4+ Nutrition not slowing down

4+ Nutrition preview their upcoming energy shot Liquid NO+

4+ Nutrition are not looking like slowing down in anyway this year, in fact they almost appear to be doing the opposite. In the brand’s latest announcement they have confirmed the coming of another supplement for their growing range replicating the form of their two recent Liquid Series releases, MGK+ and Carnitine 3.0+. The name of the product is Liquid NO+, a 60ml energy shot, confirmed to be featuring Goji Juice, as seen in the aforementioned MGK+. As well as a Pump Matrix which seems to consist of three ingredients, ornithine, beta-alanine, and arginine. The first image of NO+ shows off the supplement in a box of 15, suggesting that while it may be purchasable in bulk. The counter top package does make us think 4+’s target market are those in need of a one off on-the-go energy kick. As opposed to those after a pre-workout type formula they stock up and rely on. Like with most products from the Italian company, Liquid NO+ has not been given a launch date just yet. However if it’s going to be anything like the brand’s Liquid Series duo, we may not be seeing the supplement for a few months.

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