If you have yet to try Scivaton’s Psycho, our number two pre-workout supplement. The brand have put together a promotional video to help bring you over to the addictive psycho state of mind. While you can check out our convincing review here, it will be worthwhile visiting Scivation’s Facebook page to see Psycho’s convincing 63 second short. The reason we are directing you to the video, is because to celebrate it’s release and the launch of the brand’s new YouTube channel, they are giving away 30 bottles of the supplement. To get yourself in to win one of the many full size Psychos up for grabs, which will come with three 5 serving trial Xtends, simply like and share the post the clip is attached to. The competition may have only been started earlier today, but it is due to finish with the announcement of the winners tomorrow at 12 PST. You can find the terms and conditions for the Psycho giveaway here, and be sure to get your name down through Scivation’s Facebook as soon as possible.