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International exclusive Hydroxycut Elite Powder, Muscletech add lemon lime for modified fat burner

Muscletech's international exclusive lemon lime Hydroxycut Elite

For all those fans that liked the sound of not necessarily Iso Zero’s isolate protein formula, but the fact that Muscletech’s latest is exclusive to areas outside America. You will be happy to hear that the popular brand have put together another supplement quite similar,

with an international version of Hydroxycut Elite Powder. While the variant will of course be edited for the areas it is set to be distributed in, which should see the loss of the product’s yohimbe extract. Muscletech have made up for whatever their modifications end up being by producing the international edition in an exclusive flavor with lemon lime. The new Hydroxycut Elite taste is currently being listed as available to distributors now, suggesting that it could be up to a month or so away before it hits stores outside the US.

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