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Category 5 featuring more than just creatine, Muscleology looking to make an early statement

Muscleology reveal the contents of their creatine Category 5

Yesterday Muscleology announced the coming of what they are calling their storm with two new supplements, Super 8 and Category 5. While details on Super 8 were all revealed with the original announcement, the exact contents of the complex creatine Category 5 have only just arrived today. As promised the brand packed the formula

with five creatine forms, creatine HCL, pyruvate, phosphate, gluconate, and creatine orotate, together weighing in at a total of 5g. To top it off Muscleology have also included their own 3.5g creatine enhancement blend carrying beta alanine, betaine anhydrous, taurine, glyceryl, citrulline, and agmatine. This combined with the top quality contents of Super 8, really shows a new side of Muscleology, one that is looking for and likely to find success next week when the two new products launch.

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