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74 serving Pro Protein previewed, Gear Nutra promise an Arnold Classic launch

Just when we thought Gear Nutraceuticals were done with new products, they have come out with a new supplement announcement. As it stands right now the brand have promised their Shock Series of Pre Shock, Maxx Shock, and E-Shock, as well as the fat burner ThermoG. Joining that list of unreleased and so far physically unseen products is Gear’s oddly titled Pro Protein. An image of the item has been uploaded featuring a question mark dead center, as the brand are currently asking fans for flavor suggestions. The only other detail we have is seen on the supplement’s tub with 74 servings, which if the protein powder turns out to be a 5lb. We will be looking at a serving size somewhere around 30g. Unfortunately if you are like us, you may have seen a few too many failed releases from Gear Nutra to get excited over the Pro Protein preview. That being said the brand’s new product announcement is not without it’s promises. So to get your hopes up once again, Gear have said that they will be officially launching at the Arnold Classic, and have a presence at the Vitamin Shoppe in about five weeks.

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