Today we have a follow up on last week’s exciting announcement of Gaspari Nutrition’s upcoming stimulant re-sensitizer, AdrenoCharge. The supplement that promises to bring back the overwhelming feeling you once had when first using stimulant powered formulas. As for ours news for today, we bring you the product’s highly anticipated facts panel. In which Gaspari have made no attempt to hide any of AdrenoCharge’s ingredients or details, by transparently dosing each and every one of it’s five features. With the contents list has also come the supplement’s directions, instructing people to use one three capsule serving a day, for 14 days. The directions go on to say that while on AdrenoCharge stimulants of any kind are not to be taken, basically making the formula a painful two week detox for pre-workout addicts. To round out the update we leave you with the product’s facts panel below, and the expected arrival time of AdrenoCharge, which is unofficially set to be sometime next month.