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MGK+ released with an update on XXXL+, 4+ Nutrition retheme their protein bar xOOx

4+ Nutrition launch MGK+, release an update on bag supplements, and confirm XOOX change

Our favorite Italian supplement company 4+ Nutrition. A brand that prides themselves in producing new products, variants, and updates frequently. Have put together a number of things for their fans to start the year off strong. First on the list is the arrival of the now confirmed goji juice formula MGK+, one of the two Liquid Series supplements 4+ originally previewed last year. Second is the coming of the mass protein XXXL+ and the 4.5kg variant of Whey+, that both appear to be more than ready with shots of the two in the brand’s new bag packaging. Lastly for those who are fans of 4+ Nutrition’s protein bars, in particular the xOOx line. Be on the look out for a change in appearance due to the brand enforcing a bit more consistency, by dropping the product’s colorful theme for the more uniformed signature yellow. The updates are all expected to trickle in over the next month, with MGK+ being the only one of the three available now.

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