Most of the time Top Secret Nutrition tend to stay quite true to their name, by not really releasing or teasing any new supplements, with one exception the pre-workout Pump Igniter. Early mentions are rather rare, as well as products in the development stages. That being said information has leaked on one or more supplements currently in the works. We can not say exactly what these formulas are, however the information stems from the brand’s interest in an Igniter Series. Two of Top Secret’s most popular products do already carry the suffix, Cardio Igniter and Pump Igniter. Which from what has been said are expected to be joined by other items using the word Igniter, produced with the same high quality and effectiveness as the thermogenic and pre-workout. As mentioned above, Top Secret Nutrition have not said much on the topic, including what categories they will be targeting with the Igniter strategy. But have said that nothing is likely to be seen until early next year.