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Shawn Rhoden’s purely business departure, Signature Series athlete Flexatron moves on

Ronnie Coleman Signature Series drops Shawn Rhoden

In a deal that was signed just over 12 months ago, between Ronnie Coleman’s Signature Series and this year’s 4th place Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden, has now come to an end. The brand have announced that due to business interests on both sides, the two are heading off in different directions. To reinforce the reasoning behind the move Ronnie Coleman has said ‘This decision is purely business and has no relationship to Shawn’s impressive competitive track record.’ In the same statement Ronnie goes on to say how the company will continue it’s devotion to innovate supplements, and further expansion through distribution and retail partnerships. Shawn Rhoden has made a similar announcement about the mutual agreement, saying that the sponsorship was officially finished back on December 20th. The main point being that Flexatron will no longer be representing Ronnie Coleman’s Signature Series.

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