MAN Sports released easily the most interesting supplement of the year, with their complete protein powder replacement Pure PF3. After all the hype and promotion we finally got to try the unique formula, where we used it as directed, and found success in PF3 for all our usual protein windows. You can check out the review here, but for today we are going to highlight the product’s now much larger availability. Initially MAN had said that due to limited Micro Batch production, Pure PF3 would only be stocked by a select number of stores. That number was originally expected to be around five, however the innovation of the year is now listed in almost every popular supplement retailer. The two locations that we first saw selling PF3, Natural Body Inc. and Nutraplanet, have been joined by Supplement Warehouse, Best Price Nutrition, Netrition, Muscle & Strength, and the place currently selling it the cheapest, DPS Nutrition. While the list does go on beyond those five, it is good to see the protein replacement building on it’s success with expansion. Success that will hopefully continue and lead to the usual updates in additional flavors and a larger size option.