The first news we had from Gaspari Nutrition for sometime was a few weeks back with the flavored individual Carnipure. Word then dropped of the previously Australasian exclusive Anavite Powder set to hit America, as well as the coming of
the Detonate sequel titled Detonate XT. Initially we didn’t have release details for any of the new supplements, however we do now have rough dates for each product.
The flavored Anavite is due out in the next week or so, Carnipure the following week, Detonate XT two weeks after that. Then finally the mystery fourth formula the brand have remained extremely quiet on, expected to land in and around the week of January 20th. No matter how you look at it Gaspari fans are in for a treat over the next four to six weeks, more so as we edge closer to the launch of the unknown supplement of the group.