Back when Nutrex registered their interest in individual supplements with the release of Creatine and BCAA Drive, then the renamed Amino Drive. Rumors arose of what else the recently reorganized brand would eventually get in to. At the time three products were high up on the list with CLA, carnitine, and glutamine. After seeing Lipo-6 CLA and Lipo-6 Carnitine hit Nutrex’s newly divided Basix Series, we figured it was only a matter of time before we would see a glutamine formula. Which has arrived under the brand’s Black Series banner with the title Glutamine Drive. Like the team’s other Drive suffix supplements, the new individual features a straightforward 5g dose of l-glutamine. However unlike the other Drive products, Glutamine Drive has been produced in three different sizes with a 30 serving 150g bottle, a 60 serving 300g, and a 200 serving 1kg tub. All variants are unflavored and currently on their way out to stores, with purchase already available direct from Nutrex.