After a long and revealing build up, ANS Performance are ready to launch their latest formula, the flavored fat burner Diablo. Over the past two weeks we have seen ingredients leaked one by one with today bringing the complete list of contents for the pro thermogenic product. In total the brand have packed their weight loss supplement with 12 features including highlights such as, higenamine, l-carnitine l-tartrate, green coffee bean, evodiamine, and caffeine. While you can see Diablo’s official facts panel below, that is not all the news we have for today. The promised pre-order opportunity has also arrived with ANS listing the product in one flavor electric lime, for the small introductory price of $24.99. Those who secure a tub of Diablo can expect their supplement to arrive around the same time as ANS Performance retailers begin stocking the fat burner, which is expected to be in about three weeks. To get in on the pre-order head on over to the brand’s website, and as mentioned earlier for Diablo’s full facts panel be sure to read on below.