One of the supplements launched a month or so ago in the spree of releases from Ronnie Coleman’s Signature Series, was Amino-Tone. While the name did initially hint at a few things, it wasn’t until the facts panel of the product was revealed that it was made clear just how different the king’s amino formula was set to be. Instead of targeting the usual market of amino acid users, Ronnie’s Amino-Tone was designed to supply the power of BCAAs, aid in hydration, and help burn fat with it’s stim free weight loss complex. Now after clearing out 45 servings of the supplement, we have a full experience review of the formula, detailing just what effects we felt the product delivered on.
As mentioned above one of the major selling point’s in Amino-Tone is it’s incorporation of a weight loss blend. Unfortunately that blend as it states in it’s title is stimulantless, meaning there is no kick or noticeable effect outside of the expected change on the scales. This seemed to have taken away the opportunity for the brand to slide in an additional recovery or revitalization complex. Something that most amino cocktails use which tends to add to the experience of the supplement. Backing up the dose of BCAAs with a replenishing effect, amplifying the repair promises of the product.
Knowing that the weight loss blend of Amino-Tone was stimulant free, we kept our eyes on the scales to see just how much impact it had as far as fat burning went. Unfortunately we didn’t really see that much of a change, to credit Ronnie Coleman’s amino with the power of weight loss. The only thing we feel Amino-Tone actually offered in the fat burning department was the comfort of using raspberry ketones and coleus forskohlii. Alternatively every little bit does help when it comes to weight loss, but the problem we have as previously said, is that you are trading one of the key features of an amino formula for this little bit of help. There is no doubt a crowd for Amino-Tone, although it would be a unique one looking to either stack the supplement with a dedicated fat burner for extra aid. Or one looking to save money by getting a weight loss product and amino in one. Other than that you would get more bang for your buck with a complex and secondary fat burner, stacked with a recovery powered amino.
Moving on to the other two areas listed for Ronnie’s Amino-Tone. The intra-workout and hydration blend acts as well as most other endurance mixtures in amino supplements. It helps keep you hydrated and fueled throughout your workout at an average level, not to the extent of things like Gaspari’s Glycofuse or Cytosport’s Cyotmax. But at the amount aminos tend to provide when including a hydration complex. As for the 2:1:1 BCAA ratio at it’s 4g dose, it is a little bit less than we’ve seen in others, although a bit more than we’ve seen in most. For users of BCAAs the Signature Series Amino-Tone does pack plenty, unfortunately we still feel that with the added weight loss matrix not being a sufficient enough replacement for a recovery or revitalization blend. It loses out against top performing amino formulas.
Overall we feel Ronnie Coleman Signature Series Amino-Tone may have been attempting too much. If say the fat burning blend in the product was a thermogenic or energy one, then maybe it would have been a different story. However replacing one of the key features in this type of supplement with one that can easily go unnoticed, or at least in our full month experience. Essentially takes away one of the things that makes a successful amino recovery product. While we definitely applaud the brand for putting out something creative and different, by combining the convenience of two categories. Amino-Tone may not be worth changing your amino formula for, especially if your hopes are riding on it’s stimulant free weight loss support.