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Reformulated Intrabolic’s modifications listed, AEN do more than relabel their intra-workout

Athletic Edge Nutrition Intrabolic changes confirmed

It was only last week that images of Athletic Edge Nutrition’s reformulated and repackaged Intrabolic made it out. With now what appears to be the official list of modifications the brand have made to their classic intra-workout supplement. While AEN had already mentioned that the changes to the product were going to be minor, it does seem that formula has received a number of updates. Starting from the top Intrabolic was previously a 40 serving supplement, which it is now a 30, with a price tag to match. As for adjustments to the actual contents, Intrabolic’s proprietary blends department is where the attention appears to have been placed.

Athletic Edge have trimmed down the product’s Peptobolic matrix, removing it’s aminos and sticking with just the BCAAs and hydrolyzed protein dose. The shift has also increased the overall weight of the complex with it now sitting at 10.06g, compared to the original’s 9.54g. The final edit to the supplement goes to it’s second proprietary, the endurance/hydration blend. Which has had it’s beta alanine traded for coconut water powder, leaving the complex with a weight of 401mg as opposed to 1.9g. Currently Athletic Edge Nutrition are getting the new Intrabolic out to stockists, so be on the look out for it, especially with some stores already selling the updated version.

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