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Rocket Science on it’s way to distributors, Magnum recolor Acid and Thrust to match

Magnum Nutraceuticals preview a colorful new branding

Magnum Nutraceuticals have been teasing their upcoming mind and muscle stimulator Rocket Science since before the Olympia Expo. Back when they first mentioned the supplement they did give the time frame of about 30 days until launch. Which it is now a little bit more than, although Magnum have confirmed that stock has been shipped out to those stores and distributors who pre-ordered. On another note it turns out there is a bit more coming to the brand then just Rocket. In their latest image it appears that Magnum Nutraceuticals are going to expand the colorful packaging of their latest across to Thrust and Acid. Hints were already made at this kind move after we saw the vitamin pack Primer and it’s look, and the alternative appearance of the earlier released Instincts. We are unsure as to whether or not Magnum will apply this new dynamic theme to all their products. Either way, the freshly colored Thrust, Acid, Primer, and Rocket Science do make the brand’s other supplements look a little plain.

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