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Orange Triad combines with OxiMega Greens, Controlled Labs make their latest a two in one

Controlled Labs combine Orange Triad and Orange OxiMega Greens

It is very rare that you see a supplement company produce something that makes things a little easier on their fans. By this mean we stack discounts, bonus bottles, essentially giving back to a product and making it lighter on a consumer’s wallet. As it turns out veteran brand Controlled Labs have done exactly that with their latest supplement Orange Triad + Greens. Currently the colorful company have two Orange series formulas. The multi-vitamin Triad, and a box set of OxiMega Fish Oil and OxiMega Greens, which were previously sold separately. The new addition to Controlled’s Orange line as you may have guessed by the name, is a combination of Triad and OxiMega Greens produced in powder form. For now the brand have only confirmed that the orange flavored supplement is on it’s way, with no details about it’s contents. Although judging by the title and 13.7g scoop size of Orange Triad + Greens. Controlled Lab’s may have just thrown the two together, keeping each one’s ingredients and doses.

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