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mTORC1 product page uploaded with contents, VPX Olympia description not matching up online

VPX Sports upload a facts panel for their new mTORC1

Despite getting what we thought was a pretty straightforward description of their new supplement mTORC1 at the Olympia Expo. VPX Sports have released details on the formula that kind of goes against what we understood the brand’s product to be. Initially it seemed VPX planned on reformulating their pre-workout Shotgun by including their new patented complex mTORC1, renaming it mTORC1 Shotgun. With another previewed supplement plainly titled mTORC1, which we were told was going to be VPX Sport’s ingredient all by itself. As it turns out a facts panel linking to the presumed individual mTORC1 has been uploaded through VPX’s official website. The confusing part is that the facts panel lists a number of ingredients that take it out of the expected individual form. While it’s hard to confirm the truth of either story, as both pieces of information have come direct from the brand themselves. We are just going to leave you with the link to our VPX Sports post from the Olympia, and a link to the product’s online page, until we get something official.

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