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NutriWhey 2lb and 1 serve joined by 4lb tub, NutriForce protein powder gets competitive

NutriForce produce a 4lb version of their protein powder NutriWhey

It was only a few months ago that NutriForce actually hit the market with their Crossfit targeting range of supplements. Unlike most new brands, the company didn’t launch unprepared hitting shelves with a full lineup of products going from the essentials like Creatine and Glutamine, to the more advanced supplements such as WODPak and Natural Amino. Despite only being available for a short period of time, their constant push and promotion seems to have given them enough success to justify giving back to their protein powder, NutriWhey. Previously the product was only available in two size options, the 23 serving 2lber, and the single serving taste tester. NutriForce have now produced a 4lb variant of NutriWhey, making their supplement that little bit more competitive and cost effective. Fans can expect to see the double size tub in stockists soon with the same flavors as the 2lb, chocolate and vanilla.

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