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Creatine MP driven by creatine Magnapower, Infinite Labs release an unflavored essential

Infinite Labs confirm their new individual supplement Creatine MP

Along with the upcoming Dexter Jackson line of supplements, Blade Nutrition. Infinite Labs have also been working on a number of new products for their own range, with the latest one being Creatine MP. The individual formula is the brand’s entry into the competitive creatine category. With the supplement carrying only one form of it’s title ingredient, magnesium creatine chelate, or also listed as creatine MagnaPower, hence why the product’s name is followed by the initials MP. As for the cost of the basic Infinite formula, nothing has been confirmed just yet. Although based on the fact that Creatine MP is unflavored, and that is packs 60 servings per tub. Infinite Labs are most likely going to go for a competitive price, somewhere around the $20 mark. The final piece of information is unfortunately something we can not confirm, but it is in relation to the official release of Creatine MP. Which shouldn’t be more than four weeks away since Infinite have decided to preview the supplement.

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