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Premixed N.O. Xplode going flavor for flavor, BSN RTD menu moves up to five with orange

BSN announce a fifth flavor for their premixed N.O. Xplode

It was only last month that BSN announced the coming of Blue Raz for their 2013 released N.O. Xplode premixed formula. They then followed up on the fruity flavor with last week’s confirmation of a fourth variant, grape. From what it seems the brand might be looking at matching the on-the-go pre-workout with the powdered N.O. Xplode, flavor for flavor. As this week BSN have dropped word on a fifth option for the supplement, with new orange. Right now the RTD’s menu stands at a total of five, three shy of the powdered product that inspired the ready-to-drink formula. Just like the last two options released, the first place to stock the new premixed N.O. Xplode variant is BSN themselves. Of course if you are not interested in paying that little bit extra for direct purchase. Yu may be waiting for a while as most stockists still have yet to list last week’s launch, grape.

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