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Banana Delicious tastes as good as expected, Giant Sports continue to build their reputation

Review of Giant Sports Delicious Protein's new banana flavor

As promised after our review of each of the flavors from Giant Sports appropriately titled Delicious Protein. The brand behind the protein formula sent us their latest addition to the menu of the supplement, banana shake. We don’t often review protein powders, purely because we have yet to come across a product that really offers anything extra as far as results go. Hence why the three major factors for us are flavor, cost effectiveness, and the one that isn’t usually a problem, contents. Getting back on point, we were sent enough of Delicious Protein’s new banana shake to share the variant around and get some solid feedback on the taste.

Following on from the other options of Giant’s protein powder, Delicious’s new banana shake delivers as expected. The flavor combines a unique combination of tastes that offers a very different kind of banana experience. While the traditional description would be sweet or ‘sugar like’, Giant Sports have mixed their faint banana essence with a rather heavy cream like presence. Generally proteins overload or exaggerate the classic banana taste, however in the case of Delicious it is very similar to an actual banana. With only a hint of the fruit, and the rest of the experience filled out with a rich cream like flavoring resembling an ice cream sundae rather than a milkshake.

There is a reason Giant’s reputation is on the rise, and their new Delicious banana variants furthers that. Despite only having the protein, and their successful fat burner Dexamine, as the only two supplements in their range. They are fast becoming a house hold name, or at least when it comes to protein powders and weight loss. To be honest when the company said they were putting together a banana option we were excited before even touching it. Now that we have in fact tasted the new flavor. It is good to know that Giant Sports are showing no signs of cutting corners, and looking to take every opportunity they can to set themselves a part from the rest. Even with something as small as a unique take on banana protein.

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