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Bee Sting flavors confirmed along with Beefit Whey, focus driven pre-workout soon to be joined by a protein powder

Beefit Nutrition new Bee Sting flavors and Beefit Whey

Makers of the pre-workout Bee Sting, a supplement we reviewed not too long ago that proved there is a lot more to a product’s performance than it’s contents, are looking to grow their relatively small line up. Currently they do have a number of supporters items with a tee, available in three colors, a women’s tank, and a Beefit Hoodie. However their next release won’t be joining that already populated accessory section, with the brand looking to launch what will take their nutritional supplement total up to two. The upcoming formula has had no release date set in stone, but it’s title has been confirmed as Beefit Whey, a product looking to compete in the protein powder market. While fans may be waiting around for a bit on the supplement, the company have announced two more flavors for the pre-workout Bee Sting, which are also set for launch over the next few months.

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