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Syngex and CREmTOR all dressed up for 2013, VPX Sport’s showing more signs of a rebranding

VPX Sports creatine formula CREmTOR

VPX Sports recently reformulated and repackaged there 100% whey isolate formula Zero Carb SRO. It was expected that the updated vector style labeling would be the start of a rebranding. As it turns out two more supplements have jumped on the train sporting the same theme, Syngex, and a completely new product CREmTOR. The latter one of two is a dual form creatine (mono + COP) featuring the VPX’s own patented Covalex. The unique complex is a covalently bonded creatine leucine peptide, which can also be found in the inhouse pre-workout Friction. All up the three ingredients deliver a proprietary blend weight of 2.5g, with each tub carrying a total of 45 servings, and like all good creatines, CREmTOR is unflavored. There has yet to be a retail value placed on VPX Sport’s new formula, however it would be nice to see the supplement launch around the $20 mark.

VPX Sports CREmTOR facts panel
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