American Muscle are quite difficult to find details on. Even though the brand are currently spreading themselves across a number of GNC stores and other various locations. Their website is still not the best place to read all about their supplements. To help provide a bit more information and get American Muscle’s name out there a little more. The item on show today is one that you may have seen before, but with a different subtitle. As well as being a post-workout complex, Musclephyx also comes in a BCAA variant. The alternate product may look exactly the same. However it features doses and ingredients that make it one hell of a competitor in the amino cocktail category. On top of it’s 6g dose of 2:1:1 BCAAs, it packs a strong 2g of citrulline, 1g of glutamine chelate, and 500mg of taurine. You can check out the entire Musclephyx formula in the facts panel below, and for those who have yet to try American Muscle. There is a website dedicated to future fans of the brand worth visiting.