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Muscle Pharm’s website back in action, Hybrid N.O. getting cut from the team

Muscle Pharm discontinuing the production of Hybrid N.O.

Over the past few days Muscle Pharm’s website has been up and down on numerous occasions, with it’s current status as back in action. Throughout the downtime some fans may have noticed a control panel page, which does point the finger at the web department as the one to blame for the problem. On top of this unfortunate mix up, news was also dropped yesterday about Muscle Pharm swapping Con-Cret for CreNitrate in their Core Series supplement Creatine. To add to the headlines of the athlete’s company, Hybrid N.O., the product that saw release only a year ago, is rumored to be getting cut from the team. A number of retailers are beginning to list the capsule variant as not available or discontinued. There doesn’t seem to be any change to the flavored version, however it was released about 6 months after the 80 capsule original. So there is a chance Hybrid N.O. will be getting axed altogether.

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