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Test-HP forces a new website, Betancourt move to a more sales driven theme

New Betancourt website featuring Pure-Amino wristbands

Betancourt have teamed their upcoming supplement Test-HP with a brand new website. Previously the brand had a simple display design that has now been transformed into more of a store front. Along with the obvious theme changes there have been a number of other fresh details brought to light by the site update. Deprogren ARS, one of Betancourt’s muscle builders is no longer being promoted in it’s square bottle. It now follows suit with the rest of the range in a circular one. On the topic of testosterone, the brand have also as promised dropped the product Adaptodren. As the new Test-HP is now live on their website. If you head over there not only will you find the edited items and the majority of the supplements in the updated black and red uniforms. But you will also notice Betancourt have made plenty of room for deals, sales, and exclusive accessories including the one on show now, the Pure-Amino wristband.

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