Previously Gaspari modified Anavite’s formula and form exclusively for sale in Australasia. Around about that time the multi-vitamin also coincidentally fell out of the mainstream market, and has been out of stock in many places for some time. It turns out that while it was quite obvious Gaspari were planning on including Anavite for the 2013 rebranding, like the powdered version it has undergone a few edits. The changes are quite minor with the majority of them coming from the incorporated trademark complexes TRAACS, Calci-K, Albion, MenaQ7, Carnosyn, Carnipure. Even though they do make the product a bit more reputable there only a few actual doses that have been altered such as the vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium. You can check out the entire new Anavite formula to the left of the previous version below.