The Athletic Edge Nutrition storm was kick started with the release of an alternate form of APE. The testosterone booster joined the list of A-HD, Super Test, and many others who offer both capsule and powder options. The brand gave the alpha performance enhancer one flavor, pineapple, and held on to every little detail that the pill product offered. The latest supplement that has joined the AEN revolution is yet another APE variant. It is not a new form of the muscle builder, but a double sized bottle of the capsule version. The product contains 80 pills, providing fans enough for a full 8 week cycle. As a bonus not only is the new size more convenient, it is also a lot cheaper. The exclusive retailer for the supplement is BB.com, who are selling the 80 cap APE for only $62. Which is basically buy 1 bottle and get a second 1 for 50% off.