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90g powdered HMB supplement, Millennium Sports offer a competitive price for a rare form

Millennium Sports is the brand behind such supplements as Carnage, Myo-Green, and Somnidren. They have recently just added to their family of products by launching HMB in to their line. While it isn’t the most reliable supplement in the industry, and possibly the worst value for money. It is still a common item in the market. For the people willing to pay whatever they need to, HMB offers that 1% extra that in the end could actually separate the winners from the losers. Despite the ingredient’s effectiveness, the reason Millennium’s product gets a mention is not because it is available for an HMB competitive price. But because it is one of, if not the only powdered formula on the market. The unflavored supplement packs in 90 1g servings, and instead of sitting above the $30 mark. Fans of the brand or the ingredient should be able to snatch this up for around 27 to $29.

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