Genomyx announced that they had a straight forward essentials line coming very soon. They also said to kick start the range they were going to launch the first powdered agamtine sulfate supplement. Which they have now officially gone and released. After the preview of Promera’s Agma-Tren and the arrival of USP Lab’s Agamtine 500, Genomyx have hit the market with their first Basyx product sporting an ingredient title. The single feature supplement packs the same amount of agamtine as USP’s formula at 500mg. However as mentioned earlier the new brand’s release is a powdered one, that will be available in the one flavor watermelon. Both product’s not only carry the same agamtine dose but they also squeeze in the same amount of servings at 60. The only thing fans will want to know now is will Genomyx bring a competitive price, and if not is the watermelon taste worth whatever the extra cost turns out to be.