F3 Nutrition is the brand we took a look at late last year. The two supplements from the range that originally caught out attention were the pre-workout duo of Annihilate and Air Speed. Along with their recovery product Rebellion and a few other essentials from the line, F3 looked very well rounded. Since it was relatively difficult to source any of their supplements initially their was no way to judge how strong the brand really was. However when BB.com as well as many other big retailers started stocking the range, the opportunity to finally review an F3 product presented itself.
The item we thought would be a great representation of the brand was Annihilate. One of the company’s two pre-workout formulas, and the one that we thought would have a bit more to offer against the competition.
Annihilate is a big dose supplement, holding a scoop size of around 13.7g, with a maximum of two at any one time. The features in the product do seem quite similar to Muscle Pharm’s legendary Assault, which is why it comes as no surprise that the two perform relatively similar. Much like Assault, Annihilate offers a very energy driven experience. It shortens rest periods, enhances endurance, and increases your training intensity to a level well beyond what you’re used to.
If there was an area that separated the F3 and MP supplements it would have to be in the energy department. While Assault tends to creep into your body and also bring quite a large amount of focus into your system. Annihilate kick starts workouts and pushes the body’s performance in almost every area, including endurance, strength and speed. Despite their minor differences the life spans of the two are very similar, with both dropping out of training at around 60 – 70 minutes. Which is a substantial amount more than the alternative hard hitting concentrated pre-workouts. Either way, in the end what it does come down to is energy. It is the one effect that trumps the focus, drive and intensity of the F3 formula, and also gives the product a highlight above it’s competitors.
Most of the time when it comes to pre-workout supplements people do tend to lean towards particular effects. Whether it be pump, energy, intensity or mental focus, certain products are individually good in different areas. As for F3 Nutrition’s Annihilate, if you enjoy products like Monster Pump, N.O. Xplode and the one it was compared to above, Muscle Pharm’s Assault. Then the $38 price tag will be a worthwhile investment.