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Igniter Extreme is worth a try, HIT Supplements lower their big dose for women

HIT supplements doesn’t have the largest range around but it does seem to be growing. Out of the current bunch the one that stands out the most is their pre-workout Igniter Extreme. It’s formula consists of some very high complexes and rarely combined ingredients. The first matrix, NO booster, packs in an unknown BCAA ratio, citrulline, arginine and glutamine. The second blend lists a very strong 7g combination of creatine, beta alanine, betaine, caffeine and an oddly placed HMB. Originally the supplement came packaged in a very stylish tin. Whether or not it is still available in that, tub versions of Igniter Extreme are making the rounds in tropical punch and raspberry lemonade.

A part from having one very interesting facts label with an impressively high 13.2g complex combination. HIT have used a technique to create a women’s version of their pre-workout that is both cheap and unique. Instead of pulling out particular parts of the formula the brand simply shaved the power blend down from 7g to 3. A female variant is still a devious thing to do but at least they put some thought into it. Not to mention the fact that they made the pink pre-workout $2 cheaper.

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