Attack! was one of the supplements that received and update when Scitec rearranged most of their products for the new year. Like Big Bang and Hot Blood, the pre-workout creatine has taken on a number of edits. It’s formula previously had a complex weight of 9,437mg. The new Attack! 2.0 brings a slimmer blend total of 8,157mg but with a combination of 17 ingredients compared to the predecessor’s 13.
The main matrix still has 5 different forms of creatine but has swapped all but MicronTec. The new features are creatine mono, pyruvate, citrate and creatine phosphate. Another thing that has changed for the supplement is that each complex in Attack has been labelled with an individual total. In the case of the Multi-Creatine Matrix it is listed as a proper 5g.
The rest of the product has been completely remodeled. Scitec have introduced a new glutamine blend, turned it’s NO Booster duo into a solo 2g complex of l-arginine, and moved most of the left over ingredients from the previous formula into it’s bottom 637mg support matrix. It may have undergone a number changes but the main feature of Attack has remained the same. It is still a pre-workout creatine supplement and Scitec have done what they needed to do, to make sure it continues it’s multi-form direction.