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Preventive put effort into their pre-workout, Energy Enhanced Formula does it without caffeine

Preventive Nutrition is a little brand exclusively available at GNC. Most of the products in their range are novelty or individually based supplements like Eye Health and CoQ-10. However their new item, Energy Enhanced Formula

, is unlike anything else they have ever produced. Despite being a company that comes off as soft or unexciting. The pre-workout they have put together is a definite rarity.

The formula puts away a total of 10 ingredients into it’s main blend. With features like creatine, quercetin, carnitine, rhodiola rosea and the outside complex inclusion B12 (100mcg), it totals up to a very unique 5.3g scoop. The other highlight Preventive added to the concentrated pre-workout is that they didn’t include caffeine. With that last detail in mind don’t expect this to be an intensity driven or dynamite pump supp. It should provide a nice smooth shot of clean energy. Something to keep you in the mood and mildly energize the body.

It is a GNC exclusive product priced at $49.99. So unless you are in dire need of something different don’t put it on the shopping list. It might be better to wait for a sample. On the other hand if you are a pre-workout addict who has the money to spare. Energy Enhanced Formula should have the power to give you something you have not experienced before.

Caffeine free supplements aren’t for everybody but they are something most brands forget about. Which is why it is good to see a small name like GNC’s Preventive Nutrition put some time into one.

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