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Dexamine dresses itself in purple, Giant Sports are a bit too young to trust

Dexamine is one of only two Giant Sports supplements currently making it’s way out into the market. The fat burner is packaged with a very OxyElite look including it’s pill, which is a shade outside of USP’s signature purple at blue. As far as it’s formula goes, the product is quite the mix of ingredients. Some of the most recognizable features are caffeine, black and green tea, hordenine and synephrine. The other names that make up the 455mg complex are ethanolic extract, Gojileanā„¢ and Heilong Chinese. Dexamine’s concentrated style and dosing pushes it into competition with the likes of Methylhex and Synedrex. It is a bit of mystery as to how powerful the product will be since Giant are not a widely known brand. However you should be able to count on the fat burner for some sort of energizing and thermogenic effect.

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