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Let the melt down begin, Mutant launching something big on the 12/12/12

Mutant usually release products without any warning. The only supplement they did tease was from earlier in the year and that was Mutant Rehab. What they have done for their next launch, whether it be a new a product, look or whatever, is countdown. The clock is currently ticking away on the homepage of their website. The date it is set to meltdown on is Wednesday the 12th of December. There have been no clues or hints however if we were to take a guess. Mutant could be looking at hitting the weight loss market. Currently they do not have any fat burning solutions (Mutant Shred unlisted) so there is room for a supplement or two. Another point is the word melt, which could easily be related to weight loss. We could be spot on or miles off, for now everyone and everything is a guess.

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