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Blaq Series welcomes Think Fast and Creatine Conqr, Rival Us make a unique 3 way protein-less stack

Rival Us have not just released information on one Blaq Series supplement but two. Powder Burn is going to be followed by both Think Fast and Creatine Conqr. Think is a mental and focus product that is usually something you would find in another supplement listed as a separate complex. Dividing this and Burn Powder does seem like a rip off but it actually works out pretty good by offering fans the ability to choose from an energy, mental or combination stimulant. The third and final release of the three is Creatine Conqr, a mix of creatine mono and 5 other unique ingredients including the interesting sausage tree fruit. Both supplements have turned out to be a lot more different than imagined and make for a very unusual protein-less stack.

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