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Burn the fat away, Grenade weight loss review

Grenade hit the supplement scene sometime last year. Since it was distributed from outside the US it had a slow climb to the top. When it hit big stores like GNC, it become popular quite quickly. According to their website they have sold 62,728,831 Grenades worldwide. Those are some serious numbers, enough to convince most people that this supplement does work. It has taken a while but the answers on the effects of the fat burner have arrived so read on to find out just how explosive your weight loss can be.

This functions very much like OxyElite and Hydroxystim. Even though the ingredients are not as close there is no denying Grenade’s unique ability – “I actually burnt more than I aimed for”. When all the effects of a supplement actually come to work the results can be amazing and Grenade does just that. The appetite suppression is always nice, the energy is definitely something you can count on and finally the thermogenic power behind this is close to unmatched.

The label goes on about how the kick ass energy is better than anybody else’s. It does not deliver a pump and boost like a concentrated pre-workout but as far as fat burners go this ranks up there with the likes of Hydroxycut and Spirodex, energy wise. Something it does bring to the table that is rarely seen in this category is it’s mental focus. The high end stimulants (for energy) thrown into this cocktail can easily be skipped over when reading the label however they will not be forgotten once you pop 2 or 3 capsules.

To put it simply, Grenade will not let you down. It actually does work. Like most fat burners solid training and diet is required, the more effort you put in to those two the more results this supplement can amplify. It is not just a pretty package. The bottle is very sexy but do not for a second think that is where all the money went. For the cost of your regular weight loss product you can switch to the attractive Grenade and burn if not more, at least the same amount of fat that any other supplement could.

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