Sometimes it is very hard to put a feeling into words, which is why the review for Driven Sports’ Craze has been taking so long. The pre-workout hit home early this year when the hype hit an all time high and ‘Craze O’Clock’ became a household saying. It’s ingredients were more than impressive, when DS promoted it as the next big thing the different phenylethylamine forms really helped back it up. This is going to be short review but when it comes to quality supplements sometimes not much is needed.
Energy is the number one hit with this product. Every fan can agree on one thing, which is very rare. The non-stop drive from the start makes this a must try supplement, it is also the reason why it has been bumped up to No. 5 on the top 10 list. Unlike regular concentrates that push you for about 45 minutes, 60 if you are lucky, Craze has been known to keep users pumping for 2 hours plus. The added bonus, there is zero crash. The ingredients bring the energy levels down gently, not to a sudden stop.
The only other thing that users can agree on is that the candy grape makes this the worst tasting PWO available. Although once you have trained at Craze O’Clock, the taste is but a minor bump in the road to a killer workout. DS have managed to secure a great price on Craze, for just over $30 USD you can get enough to keep you going for 45 workouts or 22/23 insane ones. With quality like this in their small line up they are definitely a brand to keep an eye on.