Betancourt’s Endocrine got reviewed and proved to be a lot more than just an oddly shaped 75 capsule bottle. Adaptodren could be considered the day time relative of Endocrine, with the new family member Deprogen you may be wondering if is it worth stacking them all together. The product was trialled over an enduring 8 weeks, to help you make up your mind on your next Betancourt combination be sure to read the whole thing.
The directions say to cycle off this testosterone booster every 6-9 weeks which messes with it’s stacking ability. Betancourt did not think the servings through that well, even with the new Deprogen ARS, each bottle supplies 30 days worth and it can only be used for 4-6 weeks before taking a break. There is not a big variety of ingredients in this, just powerful doses of DAA, B12 and corosolic acid.
The most noticeable thing on this was the workout intensity. It boosted aggression and drive for training, in the results/gains department it did not deliver as well as other day time test supplements. Each serving was 7 capsules which is recommended to be taken between meals. Putting what the label said aside, it did not make any bit of a difference whether it was taken, morning, night or midday. The period where it actually got felt the most was 30 minutes before working out.
It is always best to stack brand products together, the triple threat combo of Deprogen ARS, Endocrine-IGF and Adaptodren is quite expensive, if you are looking to leave one out it should be the latter. It has a similar price to Endocrine, for just $30 it is no equal. If this creates a hole in your budget Betancourt do have a few other supplements that will work a lot harder for you, Recelerator, BCAA 2:1:1 or even something from the chewy range. Endocrine may have been given the big tick but unfortunately Adaptodren is something not worth recommending.