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CellMass 2.0 could not come sooner, BSN gets a lawsuit for their CEM3

BSN could not get that CellMass 2.0 out any faster. Their current version is in the shit as the CEM3 that is meant to be some break through creatine form is actually nothing more than lies.

“… the truth is that Cellmass does not contain any Creatine Ethyl Ester Malate, despite BSN’s claim that CEM3 comprises 18% of each Cellmass bottle. Therefore, BSN’s claim that Cellmass contains CEM3 is false, as are its associated claims of superior performance stemming from this non-existent substance. BSN’s claim to a patent-pending for CEM3 is also false. In reality, BSN has no patent or patent pending for this non-existent substance. Yet, BSN continues to make these clearly false claims in its advertisements, on its website, and on product labels even though it knows such statements are false.”

Surely this will be replaced very soon, similar to what happened with Muscletech and their Hydroxycut a few years back. The one thing everyone needs to remember is that CellMass regardless of what some company is suing for, is a good creatine supplement. As with the majority of their products, lies or not BSN’s stuff works. To the 100k+ fans out there continue to support team red and know that you are fuelling one of the strongest brands on the market today.

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