Stacks that are recommended by retailers are always loaded with rubbish, packed with products that you could really go without. The average newbie will always fall into this trap, not knowing what to get so something with the title, ‘advanced supplement stack’ seems like a a really good choice. Above is a stack that is about to get torn down.
Myofusion and Optimum Casein
Stacks are meant to save you money, if you are not a complete nutrient addict, anything with more than one protein powder is unnecessary. Stick with a single whey protein, a night time slow release shake does have it’s advantages but it will not hinder your muscle growth if you go without.
Assault and shred matrix (w shred matrix, fish oil, l-carnitine)
One of these, not both. Fat burners already contain a big hit of energy ingredients so mixing the two doses that they require with a pre-workout is going to cause some odd up and downs. If you need to build some muscle use a PWO, if you want to burn fat then swap it out for a weight loss supplement.
Xtend and Orange TRIad (w CLA)
Multi vitamins and post workout supplements are beginning to mix in with each other. Then again modern multi vitamins also contain high amounts of fatty acids. When it gets to this point go with your personal preference. Some people react quite well to vitamins and some to posts. Both at once is a little over the top, if you are unsure experiment with both (separate times).