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Rival Us’ new stack will get you prepped in one month, a Qwk supplement for each week

Rival Us have quite a few top supplements, some are a bit off but most of them are solid. The new Qwk stack might be pushing it a bit far. The combo is designed to get your body peaking in just 4 weeks. Instead of creating one supplement to boost maybe weight loss, speed or conditioning Rival have put together 4! The supplement facts are all online and sadly there is nothing impressive in this bunch. Most of them are the same even though each product is intending to boost results in different areas every 7 days. A tip for an athlete conditioning, use weight loss products, recovery supplements and sleeping aides. These will prepare you for competition day and have the body in prime condition. Here is a good combination for one or two months out, Muscle Pharm’s Shred Matrix, MHP’s Xpel and Xtend mixed with some ZMA.

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