Rival Us have a lot more athlete’s on board than the true athlete’s company, Muscle Pharm. They are both targeting the same market and both have very similar products. Since MP have delayed their Clean Mass protein it is the perfect time for Rival to push their Clean Gainer across the sporting world. The protein and carb ratio is pretty spot on, 2:1, the sugars are super low and it has 10g of dietary fiber. Clean Gainer actually goes a step beyond with it’s formula by including a Macromax blend. A 140g combination of whey protein, calcium caseinate, brown rice, quinoa powder, rolled oats, wild blueberry, ginger root and avocado powder. This will provide your muscles with exactly what they need, without loading excess fat to keep you as lean as possible. Rival Us have a winner right here, Clean Gainer brings quite a few things to the table that others have not even thought of and that is what makes a top supplement.