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Reviewed and approved, the Rage of an Animal

Out of all the brands in the world, Animal has the most loyal fans. Out of the gate Animal Rage coped a lot of shit for being a non-geranium concentrate but it’s followers kept the support going. The pre-workout released in early 2011 and was put to the side a lot because it was seen as a pure caffeine supplement. Well bad news for the haters and good news for the rest. Animal Rage concentrated powder has been approved.

Without the geranium the powder lacks a bit of kick at the start, but do not worry, it does come. In fact it is possibly one of the most all together pre-workouts on the market right now. Available in just three flavours, orange juiced, slaughter melon and apple jacked. It does not quite have the destructive, leave no prisoners power like Hemo Rage concentrate or hypo pump that Neurocore brings to the table, Rage offers you something a little different.

First off the energy is aboslutely insane and can easily compete with the likes of 1 M.R. or SuperPump MAX. Whether you are ready or not 10 minutes after taking down this supplement, you will be off your couch and in the gym. The department it lacks in is pump. Compared to the DMAA pre-workouts that everybody has given a shot at least once, Animal Rage is out of the battle. This is not a bad thing because it does has a little something else in it’s place.

The name Rage more than suits the supplement. Like a loaded serve of GAT’s test boosting Nitraflex pre-workout, Rage increases aggression. Not towards people, but towards the workout. The usual rest period somewhere between 1 and 3 minutes gets cut in half. Not because you feel energized or ready to go. Because for some reason you can train harder and stronger. Rotating sets with your gym partner or adding weights to the bar starts to slow you down. It does not quite give the power or focus others offer for a 1 rep max day, but it is a killer for 10+ reps.

Animal Rage comes in two forms, the traditional packs or concentrated powder. Pill form has proven time and time again to be something to stay away from when it comes to pre-workouts. The powdered tub provides 44 servings at a better price than anyone else can. Jack3d has 45 servings but when taken at maximum dose, that turns into 15. Rage is a one scoop, which makes that 44 maximum doses per tub. That little bit extra in price does not seem that bad for almost three times more servings.

To make a name in today’s supplement industry you need to bring something different. A concentrated powder without geranium was not enough to satisfy Animal. This product sets itself apart, it offers rage. It has value, it has flavours, it has power, it has everything you need to make your next workout the best you have ever had.

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