Who was waiting for this one to come out? Possibly the highest priced test supplement by a major brand. Animal Test is loaded with top quality ingredients and as with any Animal supplement it will do everything it can to get the desired result. Most places this is triple your average and double your good T supplement. So the question that would weigh on anyone’s mind before purchasing is, does it work?
Quick answer is hell yes. The product does have ketosterone which is a form of DHEA. So for the test freaks this is a good start. Yohimbe is also a familiar face in supplements but usually in a list of weight loss ingredients. The other names on the contents list are quite unknown. Be assured that they work just as well as DHEA does. The product offers just a 3 week cycle and recommends taking it for 6 weeks and then 4 weeks off. For the people who are used to lower end or regular test boosters you may blow your load on that first 3 weeks anyway.
The number one factor that came up a lot was that Animal Test just killed in the strength gains. Even after just a small run of a week. Heavy muscle growth and sex drive were two other things that come up across the board. What Animal Test can do in just 3 weeks. Is what you would expect 3 months on Viridex to do. 1 week on it would do what Hexatest would do in a year. The bottom line is that Animal Test will give you results and unlike other products out there you can count on it.
The strength behind this thing is insane. Animal have two other options for the softer people in the crowed. Animal M-Stak and Stak that are both extremely good for their price and work even better when stacked. Without taking anything away from the Staks, Animal Test might just be the better investment. Next time you are in the hunt for a T stack and tossing up which two to combine. Snatch up Animal Test it works and you will not regret it. Animal Test claims the approved stamp from Stack3d.