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Karbolyn is the new carbohydrate powder, no just kidding it is terrible

Accept no substitutes they say. Well All American EFX have maybe bitten off more then they can chew with Karbolyn. High quality protein powder is in existence and barely has a place. High quality carbohydrate powder has really no place. Even if it is derived from corn, potato and rice. Only about three notable ones already available, Optimum’s Glycomaize, Dymatize Flud and NOW’s Waxy Maize. Karbolyn is asking for just an absurd price. The size is 10% more on both large and small tubs. You can also get flavours. Oh goodie. That is right was saying the price was stupid. Almost double. Glycomaize and Flud still reign supreme. Karbolyn may just be arriving but do not unpack bags and get comfortable.

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