It finally come out. USP Labs pride themselves in being the founder of DMAA supplements. The first to use and well. Jack3d, Yok3d and OxyElite Pro. A lot of issues have been raised over this ingredient, whether it is safe, should it be banned and so on. USP have pushed and pushed to make sure it stays on the market. Today and article that will not just help them but help all other supplement brands fuel our goal for better bodies. Taken at recommended doses supplements can be very successful it is the people that overdose thinking it may supersize results. Not so, these doses have been researched so be sure to remember that. Below if the full statement that USP have got for the whole world to use now.
“The question has been raised as to whether a compound which USPlabs utilizes in some sports nutrition supplements, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (“DMAA”) occurs in nature.
Although published data already exists (Ping et al., 1996) which indicate that DMAA does occur in geranium oil derived from geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) plants gathered in specific region(s) of China, translational and grammatical errors in this report have led some to question the validity of the data. Consequently, USPlabs undertook a scientific investigation to verify that DMAA does in fact occur in the geranium plant (as well as its oil) and at what concentrations. The data that USPlabs has obtained from two independent and highly respected analytical chemistry laboratories, utilizing advanced validated analytical instrumentation and methods, corroborate the original data published by Ping et al, and further demonstrate the occurrence of DMAA in the geranium plant, Pelargonium graveolens, and its edible oil.
USPlabs has also had their formulations containing this compound evaluated in human clinical trials. No serious adverse events have been encountered and the formulations containing DMAA have been well-tolerated.
USPlabs is currently in the process of having these data prepared for and submitted to peer-reviewed journals for publication. As you are well aware, this process can take several months to over a year from the time of submission to publication. Because highly respected peer-reviewed journals have strict policies which prohibit the dissemination / publication of data prior to publication in the journal, USPlabs is unable to release data prior to publication.“