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Beast of a creatine supplement, PowerTech from Dymatize

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Since their facial overhaul, Dymatize have been adding products left right and centre. New to the stand of Dymatize is PowerTech. Not a protein, but a post-workout creatine. Some of the flavours are listed as all natural. Bonus for those who care. The product is more then just a creatine. it is a creatine beast. Loaded with 325 calories and made up of 75g carbs with just 1g of that not sugar. 10g creatine double the recommended of most. Packed with amino acids and other regenerating contents. This is actually filling in the spots that Muscletech and Gaspari have left out. Though Cell-Tech and SizeOn are top creatine supplements. They do for some lack in the carb department, in particular the amount of sugar that a lot of enthusiasts desire. Creatine nominee next year?

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